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The ID scalar type represents a unique identifier, often used to refetch an object or as key for a cache. The ID type appears in a JSON response as a String; however, it is not intended to be human-readable. When expected as an input type, any string (such as "4") or integer (such as 4) input value will be accepted as an ID.

scalar ID

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deleteEventDocument mutation

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AccessCodeScan object ● AccessCodeScansFilterInput input ● AdvertisementExhibitor object ● AdvertisementExhibitorInterface interface ● AdvertisementExhibitorRedirectProduct object ● AdvertisementExhibitorRedirectUrl object ● AdvertisementInterface interface ● AdvertisementRedirectNone object ● AdvertisementRedirectUrl object ● Attendee object ● Chat_ChannelUser object ● Chat_CommunityExhibitorProfileRedirection object ● Chat_CommunityProfileRedirection object ● Chat_ConnectionProfileRedirection object ● Chat_EventExhibitorProfileRedirection object ● Chat_EventProfileRedirection object ● Chat_Message object ● Chat_User object ● Chat_UserProfileRedirection object ● CommunitiesFilterInput input ● Community object ● CommunityExhibitorsFilterInput input ● CommunityFieldDefinitionsFilterInput input ● CommunityFieldValuesByDefinitionFilterInput input ● CommunityGroup object ● CommunityProductCategoriesFilterInput input ● CommunityViewMyCommunity object ● CommunityViewsFilterInput input ● Connection object ● Contact object ● createEventDocument mutation ● createEventGroup mutation ● CreateEventGroupInput input ● CreateEventPersonInput input ● CreateExhibitorLinkInput input ● CreateExhibitorLinkRelationInput input ● CreateFieldDefinitionV2Input input ● CreateFieldInput input ● CreateLocationInput input ● CreateLocationsInput input ● CreateMeetingInput input ● CreateMeetingParticipantInput input ● CreateProductCategoryInput input ● CreateProductInput input ● CreatePushNotificationInput input ● CreateRegistrationInput input ● CreateRoleInput input ● CreateSponsorInput input ● CreateTicketTypeInput input ● CreditCardPaymentMethod object ● CustomFieldUnionInput input ● DateField object ● DateFieldDefinition object ● deleteEventDocument mutation ● deleteEventPeople mutation ● DeleteEventPeopleResult object ● DeleteExhibitorLinkInput input ● DeleteExhibitorLinkPayload object ● DeleteExhibitorLinkRelationInput input ● DeleteExhibitorsInput input ● DeleteExhibitorsPayload object ● DeleteFieldDefinitionsInput input ● DeleteFieldDefinitionsPayload object ● DeletePlanningStreamsInput input ● DeletePlanningStreamsPayload object ● DeletePlanningViewsInput input ● DeletePlanningViewsPayload object ● DeleteProductCategoriesInput input ● DeleteProductCategoriesPayload object ● DeleteProductsInput input ● DeleteProductsPayload object ● DeleteRolesInput input ● DeleteRolesPayload object ● DeleteSelectFieldValuesInput input ● DeleteSelectFieldValuesPayload object ● DeleteTicketTypesInput input ● DeleteTicketTypesPayload object ● DeleteWebhookInput input ● Document object ● DocumentsFilterInputType input ● event query ● EventBadgeView object ● EventChatroomView object ● EventExhibitorListView object ● EventFeedView object ● EventFilterInput input ● EventGroup object ● EventGroupPlanningCanRegisterInput input ● EventGroupView object ● EventLocationsFilterInput input ● EventMapsProviderMapsIndoors object ● EventMapsView object ● EventMapwizeView object ● EventMyAiRecommendationsView object ● EventMyVisitView object ● eventPeople query ● EventPeopleListView object ● EventPerson object ● eventPerson query ● EventPersonFilter input ● EventPersonImported object ● EventPersonIsAttendeeOnPlanningsActionInput input ● EventPersonIsMemberOnExhibitorsActionInput input ● EventPersonIsSpeakerOnPlanningsActionInput input ● EventPersonUpdateGroupsActionInput input ● EventPersonValidationError object ● EventPlanningListView object ● EventProductListView object ● EventRedirectUrlView object ● EventViewInterface interface ● Exhibitor object ● ExhibitorFilterInput input ● ExhibitorInput input ● ExhibitorLink object ● ExhibitorMeeting object ● ExhibitorMeetingSlot object ● ExhibitorMember object ● ExhibitorsExportConnectionsFilter object ● ExhibitorWithEventDataInput input ● ExhibitorWithEventInput input ● FieldDefinitionInterface interface ● FieldDefinitionSection object ● FieldInterface interface ● GroupInterface interface ● IdListInput input ● IEventConfigurationButtonOptionsChatChannel object ● IframePlanningStream object ● importEventPeople mutation ● ImportEventPeopleResult object ● ImportEventPersonInput input ● Invoice object ● InvoiceItem object ● ListEventPeopleFilter input ● ListEventViewsFilter input ● LiveStreamRecording object ● Location object ● LongTextField object ● LongTextFieldDefinition object ● MediaField object ● MediaFieldDefinition object ● MeetingFilterInput input ● MeetingNode object ● MeetingParticipant object ● MeetingParticipantFilter input ● MeetingParticipantInput input ● MeetingPlace object ● MeetingSlot object ● MeetingSlotVisibility object ● MoveActionInput input ● MultipleSelectField object ● MultipleSelectFieldDefinition object ● MultipleTextField object ● MultipleTextFieldDefinition object ● NumberField object ● NumberFieldDefinition object ● Order object ● OrderActionInput input ● PayloadError object ● Payment object ● PaymentMethodInterface interface ● PaymentProviderInterface interface ● Permission object ● PersonInterface interface ● Planning object ● PlanningFilterInput input ● PlanningLink object ● plannings query ● PlanningsLinksInput input ● PlanningStreamDataInput input ● PlanningStreamInterface interface ● PlanningWithEventInput input ● Product object ● ProductCategoriesFilterInput input ● ProductCategory object ● ProductCategoryLimit input ● ProductCategoryWithEventInput input ● ProductFilterInput input ● ProductWithEventInput input ● PushNotification object ● PushNotificationCommunityProfileTarget object ● PushNotificationEngagementScoreTarget object ● PushNotificationEventAttendeeTarget object ● PushNotificationEventGroupTarget object ● PushNotificationExhibitorMemberTarget object ● PushNotificationParentTarget object ● PushNotificationPlanningAttendeeTarget object ● PushNotificationRedirectionInput input ● PushNotificationsFilterInput input ● PushNotificationTarget interface ● PushNotificationTargetInput input ● PushNotificationWithEventInput input ● Refund object ● Registration object ● Role object ● RoundtableComponentVonageData object ● RTMPLiveStreamVideo object ● RTMPPlanningStream object ● SelectField object ● SelectFieldDefinition object ● SetPlanningStreamInput input ● SetSelectFieldValueInput input ● Speaker object ● Sponsor object ● SponsorExhibitor object ● SponsorInterface interface ● StripePaymentProvider object ● Tag object ● TextField object ● TextFieldDefinition object ● Theme object ● TicketType object ● TreeField object ● TreeFieldDefinition object ● updateEventDocument mutation ● UpdateEventPersonInput input ● UpdateEventPersonV2Input input ● UpdateExhibitorBoothInput input ● UpdateExhibitorInput input ● UpdateExhibitorLinkInput input ● UpdateExhibitorMemberRolesInput input ● UpdateFieldDefinitionV2Input input ● UpdateLocationInput input ● UpdateLocationsInput input ● UpdateMeetingInput input ● UpdatePlanningInput input ● UpdateProductCategoryInput input ● UpdateProductInput input ● UpdateRegistrationInput input ● UpdateRoleInput input ● UpdateSponsorInput input ● UpdateTicketTypeInput input ● UpdateUserTermInput input ● UpdateWebhookInput input ● UploadedFileEmbeddedVideo object ● UploadedFileEmbeddedVideoInput input ● UpsertEventPlanningInput input ● UpsertPlanningRedirectUrlViewInput input ● UrlField object ● UrlFieldDefinition object ● User object ● UserMeeting object ● UserTerm object ● VimeoEmbeddedVideo object ● VimeoEmbeddedVideoInput input ● VimeoPlanningStream object ● Webhook object ● YoutubeEmbeddedVideo object ● YoutubeEmbeddedVideoInput input ● YoutubePlanningStream object