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input UpdateTicketTypeInput {
ticketTypeId: ID!
name: String
description: String
translations: [UpdateTicketTypeTranslationInput!]
eventGroupId: ID
startsAt: DateTime
endsAt: DateTime
quantity: Int
isVisible: Boolean
priceCents: Int


UpdateTicketTypeInput.ticketTypeId ● ID! non-null scalar

The ticket type ID to update. ● String scalar

UpdateTicketTypeInput.description ● String scalar

UpdateTicketTypeInput.translations ● [UpdateTicketTypeTranslationInput!] list input

UpdateTicketTypeInput.eventGroupId ● ID scalar

UpdateTicketTypeInput.startsAt ● DateTime scalar

UpdateTicketTypeInput.endsAt ● DateTime scalar

UpdateTicketTypeInput.quantity ● Int scalar

UpdateTicketTypeInput.isVisible ● Boolean scalar

UpdateTicketTypeInput.priceCents ● Int scalar

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