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What to update on the message

input Chat_UpdateChannelInput {
description: String
imageUrl: String
name: String
enabledInteractions: [Chat_ChannelInteractionType!]
interactionsOrder: [Chat_ChannelInteractionType!]
interactionsConfig: [Chat_ChannelInteractionConfigInput!]
translations: [Chat_ChannelTranslationInput!]


Chat_UpdateChannelInput.description ● String scalar

Send undefined to leave as is, or null to remove

Chat_UpdateChannelInput.imageUrl ● String scalar

Send undefined to leave as is, or null to remove ● String scalar

Send undefined to leave as is, or a boolean to change his value, null is not allowed

Chat_UpdateChannelInput.enabledInteractions ● [Chat_ChannelInteractionType!] list enum

Update the enabled interactions and their order

Chat_UpdateChannelInput.interactionsOrder ● [Chat_ChannelInteractionType!] list enum

Update the enabled interactions and their order

Chat_UpdateChannelInput.interactionsConfig ● [Chat_ChannelInteractionConfigInput!] list input

Chat_UpdateChannelInput.translations ● [Chat_ChannelTranslationInput!] list input

Translations for channel meta fields like name

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updateChatroom mutation