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input RoundtableComponentInput {
maxParticipants: Int
starts: DateTime
ends: DateTime
videoBackgroundImageUrl: String
audioOnly: Boolean
moderatedStage: Boolean


RoundtableComponentInput.maxParticipants ● Int scalar

RoundtableComponentInput.starts ● DateTime scalar

RoundtableComponentInput.ends ● DateTime scalar

RoundtableComponentInput.videoBackgroundImageUrl ● String scalar

RoundtableComponentInput.audioOnly ● Boolean scalar

RoundtableComponentInput.moderatedStage ● Boolean scalar

When enabled, users can turn their camera/mic on only once they are invited on stage by a moderator. This moderation happens using the mutations to update raisedHand and onStage. Moderators join directly onStage if the 20 people limit is not reached.

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UpdatePlanningInput input ● UpsertEventPlanningInput input