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The Boolean scalar type represents true or false.

scalar Boolean

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AccessCodeScan object ● Chat_Channel object ● Chat_ChannelInteractionChatConfig object ● Chat_ChannelInteractionConfigInput input ● Chat_ChannelInteractionConfigInterface interface ● Chat_ChannelInteractionEmbeddedWebviewConfig object ● Chat_ChannelInteractionPollsConfig object ● Chat_ChannelInteractionQuestionsConfig object ● Chat_ChannelUser object ● Chat_CreateChannelInput input ● Chat_ExternalLink object ● Chat_Message object ● Chat_VideoCallRoom object ● ChatroomsFilterInput input ● CommunitiesFilterInput input ● Community object ● CommunityGroup object ● CommunityProductCategoriesFilterInput input ● CommunityViewsFilterInput input ● Connection object ● CreateEventPersonInput input ● CreateFieldDefinitionV2Input input ● CreateLocationInput input ● CreateMeetingInput input ● CreateMeetingParticipantInput input ● CreateProductPayload object ● CreateRoleInput input ● CreateTicketTypeInput input ● CreateWebhookInput input ● CustomFieldChoicesInput input ● DateFieldDefinition object ● Event object ● EventBadgeView object ● EventExhibitorListView object ● EventGroup object ● EventGroupFeatures object ● EventGroupFeedPermissions object ● EventGroupPlanningCanRegister object ● EventGroupPlanningCanRegisterInput input ● EventLocationsFilterInput input ● EventPeopleListView object ● EventPerson object ● EventPersonFilter input ● EventPersonWithEvent object ● EventPlanningListView object ● EventProductListView object ● ExhibitorEditableFields object ● ExhibitorFeature object ● ExhibitorFeatureInput input ● ExhibitorMeetingSlot object ● ExhibitorsExportFilterReportsToApply object ● FieldDefinitionInterface interface ● GroupInterface interface ● IEventConfigurationButtonOptions object ● IframePlanningStream object ● importEventPeople mutation ● ImportEventPersonInput input ● include directive ● ListEventPeopleFilter input ● ListEventViewsFilter input ● LiveStreamComponent object ● LiveStreamComponentInput input ● Location object ● LongTextFieldDefinition object ● MediaFieldDefinition object ● MeetingNode object ● MeetingPlace object ● MeetingSlotsFilterInput input ● MoveActionInput input ● MultipleSelectFieldDefinition object ● MultipleTextFieldDefinition object ● NumberFieldDefinition object ● OnDemandComponent object ● OnDemandComponentInput input ● OrderActionInput input ● PageInfo object ● Planning object ● PlanningCanRegister object ● PlanningCanRegisterInput input ● PlanningStreamDataInput input ● PlanningWithEventDataInput input ● PreRecordedComponent object ● PreRecordedComponentInput input ● ProductCategoriesFilterInput input ● ProductCategoryWithEventDataInput input ● ProductFilterInput input ● ProductWithEventDataInput input ● PushNotificationWithEventDataInput input ● Role object ● RoundtableComponent object ● RoundtableComponentInput input ● RTMPPlanningStream object ● SelectFieldDefinition object ● skip directive ● TextFieldDefinition object ● ThemeLink object ● TicketType object ● TreeFieldDefinition object ● UpdateEventPersonInput input ● UpdateEventPersonV2Input input ● UpdateFieldDefinitionV2Input input ● UpdateLocationInput input ● UpdateMeetingInput input ● UpdatePlanningInput input ● UpdateRoleInput input ● UpdateTicketTypeInput input ● UpdateUserTermInput input ● UpdateWebhookInput input ● UploadedFileEmbeddedVideo object ● UploadedFileEmbeddedVideoInput input ● UpsertEventPlanningInput input ● UrlFieldDefinition object ● UserTerm object ● VimeoPlanningStream object ● Webhook object ● WebhookFilterInput input ● YoutubePlanningStream object