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Some kind of link between a user and a channel

type Chat_ChannelUser {
channel: Chat_Channel!
channelDisplayName: String!
channelId: Chat_UUID!
createdAt: Chat_DateTime!
deletedAt: Chat_DateTime
hasLeaved: Boolean!
id: ID!
isChannelAdmin: Boolean!
isTyping: Boolean!
latestActivityAt: Chat_DateTime
latestMessageSeen: Chat_Message
latestMessageSeenId: Chat_ObjectID
notSeenMessageCount: Int!
pagination: Chat_CursorPaginationInput! = [object Object]
): [Chat_Message!]!
updatedAt: Chat_DateTime!
user: Chat_User!
userId: String!
isMuted: Boolean!
profileRedirection: Chat_ProfileRedirectionUnion

Fields ● Chat_Channel! non-null object

Chat_ChannelUser.channelDisplayName ● String! non-null scalar

A pretty display name for the channel

Chat_ChannelUser.channelId ● Chat_UUID! non-null scalar

Chat_ChannelUser.createdAt ● Chat_DateTime! non-null scalar

The date the user entered the channel

Chat_ChannelUser.deletedAt ● Chat_DateTime scalar

The date the user leaved the channel

Chat_ChannelUser.hasLeaved ● Boolean! non-null scalar ● ID! non-null scalar

Chat_ChannelUser.isChannelAdmin ● Boolean! non-null scalar

If true, the user is allowed to edit the channel

Chat_ChannelUser.isTyping ● Boolean! non-null scalar

If true, the user is currently typing

Chat_ChannelUser.latestActivityAt ● Chat_DateTime scalar

The latest activity date, aka: probably the thing you should use to sort your channels

Chat_ChannelUser.latestMessageSeen ● Chat_Message object

The latest message seen by this user within this channel

Chat_ChannelUser.latestMessageSeenId ● Chat_ObjectID scalar

The latest message seen by this user within this channel

Chat_ChannelUser.notSeenMessageCount ● Int! non-null scalar

The count of messages the user has not seen yet within this channel

Chat_ChannelUser.notSeenMessages ● [Chat_Message!]! non-null object

The messages the user has not seen yet within this channel sorted by insertion date

Chat_ChannelUser.notSeenMessages.pagination ● Chat_CursorPaginationInput! non-null input

Chat_ChannelUser.updatedAt ● Chat_DateTime! non-null scalar

Chat_ChannelUser.user ● Chat_User! non-null object

Chat_ChannelUser.userId ● String! non-null scalar

Chat_ChannelUser.isMuted ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Chat_ChannelUser.profileRedirection ● Chat_ProfileRedirectionUnion union

Member Of

Chat_Channel object ● Chat_Message object ● Chat_MessageReaction object ● Chat_User object ● Chat_VideoCallRoom object