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A chat user

type Chat_User {
channelUserCount: Int!
channelWithUnreadMessageCount: Int!
pagination: Chat_OffsetPaginationInput! = [object Object]
): [Chat_Channel!]!
channels_ids: [Chat_UUID!]
latestActivityAfter: Chat_DateTime
pagination: Chat_OffsetPaginationInput
): [Chat_ChannelUser!]!
createdAt: Chat_DateTime!
externalRessource: Chat_ExternalRessourceInterface
id: ID!
unreadMessageCount: Int!
updatedAt: Chat_DateTime!


Chat_User.channelUserCount ● Int! non-null scalar

How many channel user is linked to this user

Chat_User.channelWithUnreadMessageCount ● Int! non-null scalar

How many channel have unread messages

Chat_User.channels ● [Chat_Channel!]! non-null object

Channels linked to this user

Chat_User.channels.pagination ● Chat_OffsetPaginationInput! non-null input

Chat_User.channelsUsers ● [Chat_ChannelUser!]! non-null object

Channels users linked to this user

Chat_User.channelsUsers.channels_ids ● [Chat_UUID!] list scalar
Chat_User.channelsUsers.latestActivityAfter ● Chat_DateTime scalar

Useful to get channels that have been updated after this date only

Chat_User.channelsUsers.pagination ● Chat_OffsetPaginationInput input

Chat_User.createdAt ● Chat_DateTime! non-null scalar

The user creation date

Chat_User.externalRessource ● Chat_ExternalRessourceInterface interface

The linked external ressource, can be null if the backend did not respond or if down for any reason ● ID! non-null scalar

Chat_User.unreadMessageCount ● Int! non-null scalar

Chat_User.updatedAt ● Chat_DateTime! non-null scalar

The user last update date

Member Of

Chat_Channel object ● Chat_ChannelUser object ● Chat_File object ● Chat_Message object ● Chat_MessageMention object