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type PushNotification {
id: ID!
events: EventsConnection!
community: Community!
translations: [PushNotificationTranslation!]!
title: String!
message: String!
status: PushNotificationStatusEnum!
scheduledAt: DateTime!
targets: [PushNotificationTargetUnion!]!
redirection: PushNotificationRedirectionUnion!
cursor: CursorPaginationInput
): EventPeopleConnection!
campaignId: String!

Fields ● ID! non-null scalar ● EventsConnection! non-null object ● Community! non-null object

PushNotification.translations ● [PushNotificationTranslation!]! non-null object

PushNotification.title ● String! non-null scalar

PushNotification.message ● String! non-null scalar

PushNotification.status ● PushNotificationStatusEnum! non-null enum

PushNotification.scheduledAt ● DateTime! non-null scalar

PushNotification.targets ● [PushNotificationTargetUnion!]! non-null union

List of nested conditions according to which we decide who should receive the push notification

PushNotification.redirection ● PushNotificationRedirectionUnion! non-null union

The page to which the user should be redirected

PushNotification.targetedProfiles ● EventPeopleConnection! non-null object

Community profiles of people who should receive this notification

PushNotification.targetedProfiles.cursor ● CursorPaginationInput input

PushNotification.campaignId ● String! non-null scalar

Member Of

CreatePushNotificationPayload object ● PushNotificationConnection object