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About webhooks

Webhooks provide a way for notifications to be delivered to an external web server whenever certain events occur on Swapcard.

About webhooks

Webhooks provide a mechanism for you to subscribe to specific events within a software system, ensuring that data is automatically sent to your server at the moment these events take place.

This method stands in contrast to the more traditional approach of API polling, where you would periodically make requests to an API to check for new data. With webhooks, a single registration for an event is all that's required to continuously receive data as events unfold.

Webhooks find their application in various scenarios, such as:

  • Getting alerts whenever a profile is modified on Swapcard.
  • Monitoring specific activities performed by users within your events.

About webhooks on Swapcard

When setting up a webhook within Swapcard, you define a specific URL to which you'd like to receive notifications and select the types of events you're interested in tracking. Once an event you've subscribed to takes place within Swapcard, an HTTP request containing details about the event is automatically sent to the URL you've designated. If your server is configured to await these webhook deliveries at that URL, it can then react accordingly.

For instance, you could configure your webhook to notify you about events such as a user updating their profile on Swapcard, engaging in certain actions during one of your events, or registering for a session. In response, your server might update attendee records, send out personalized content, or trigger specific workflows designed to enhance the event experience or operational efficiency. This system ensures you receive real-time updates directly relevant to managing and optimizing your event.