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To communicate with the APIs, you'll need an access token with the appropriate permissions.

Types of authentication

You should utilize the provided access token if:

  • You aim to interact with your exhibition booth using the API.
  • You are developing a script to export data from your exhibition booth on Swapcard.
  • You intend to programmatically automate certain actions within your own CRM, such as importing the leads you've gathered.

Heads up!

The access token should not be embedded in a web page.

How to get your Access Token

You can create an Access Token, also named API key, into the Exhibitor Center.

  • Select your Exhibition booth
  • Select Leads then API keys
  • Generate Your API Key

Authentication Token

Heads up!

Your access token can give access to your private Swapcard data and should be treated like a password.

How to use the token

All GraphQL API queries require a valid access token.

Include your token as an Authorization header in all API queries.

To keep the platform secure, ensure the user associated to the token has appropriate role and rights.

Only request as much data access as your app needs to work.

curl \
-s \
-H 'Authorization: ACCESS_TOKEN_HERE' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'