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input CreateMeetingInput {
eventId: ID!
slotId: ID!
placeId: ID!
participants: [CreateMeetingParticipantInput!]!
canReschedule: Boolean
canCancel: Boolean
maxParticipants: Int
notifyParticipants: Boolean


CreateMeetingInput.eventId ● ID! non-null scalar

CreateMeetingInput.slotId ● ID! non-null scalar

CreateMeetingInput.placeId ● ID! non-null scalar

CreateMeetingInput.participants ● [CreateMeetingParticipantInput!]! non-null input

CreateMeetingInput.canReschedule ● Boolean scalar

Deprecated: Not used

CreateMeetingInput.canCancel ● Boolean scalar

Deprecated: Not used

CreateMeetingInput.maxParticipants ● Int scalar

CreateMeetingInput.notifyParticipants ● Boolean scalar

Send activities to participants when the meeting is created, true if not specified

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createMeeting mutation