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input ChatroomsFilterInput {
ids: [String!]
communityId: String
planningId: String
viewId: String
nameLike: String
descriptionLike: String
shouldNotIncludeChannelTypes: [Chat_StudioChannelType!]
isUnlinked: Boolean


ChatroomsFilterInput.ids ● [String!] list scalar

ChatroomsFilterInput.communityId ● String scalar

ChatroomsFilterInput.planningId ● String scalar

ChatroomsFilterInput.viewId ● String scalar

ChatroomsFilterInput.nameLike ● String scalar

ChatroomsFilterInput.descriptionLike ● String scalar

ChatroomsFilterInput.shouldNotIncludeChannelTypes ● [Chat_StudioChannelType!] list enum

ChatroomsFilterInput.isUnlinked ● Boolean scalar

By default, isUnlinked is set to false : false: get all linked channels true: get all unlinked channels null: get all linked and unlinked channels

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chatrooms query