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input UpdateProductInput {
eventId: ID
inputId: ID
productId: ID!
categoryId: ID
name: String
description: String
imageUrl: String
assetsUrls: [String!]
translations: [ProductTranslationInput!]
exhibitorIds: [ID!]
customFields: [CustomFieldUnionInput!]
withEvent: ProductWithEventInput


UpdateProductInput.eventId ● ID scalar

UpdateProductInput.inputId ● ID scalar

UpdateProductInput.productId ● ID! non-null scalar

The product ID to update.

UpdateProductInput.categoryId ● ID scalar

The new category where the product should belong. ● String scalar

UpdateProductInput.description ● String scalar

UpdateProductInput.imageUrl ● String scalar

The URL to the main image of the product.

UpdateProductInput.assetsUrls ● [String!] list scalar

A list of assets URLs attached to the product.

UpdateProductInput.translations ● [ProductTranslationInput!] list input

Translated content for the product.

UpdateProductInput.exhibitorIds ● [ID!] list scalar

Link the product to one or more exhibitors. Removes the links for exhibitors not specified in the list.

UpdateProductInput.customFields ● [CustomFieldUnionInput!] list input

Set custom fields for the product.

UpdateProductInput.withEvent ● ProductWithEventInput input

Update product related with event.

Member Of

updateProduct mutation ● UpdateProductsInput input