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input ExhibitorInput {
address: AddressInput
booth: String
booths: [UpdateExhibitorBoothInput!]
categories: [String!]
email: String
createFields: [CreateFieldInput!]
deleteFields: [ID!]
description: String
documents: [DocumentInput!]
documentsOrder: OrderIdListInput
documentsV2: IdListInput
features: ExhibitorFeatureInput
id: String
clientId: ID
logoUrl: String
membersIds: [String!]
name: String
phoneNumbers: [PhoneNumberInput!]
socialNetworks: [SocialNetworkInput!]
tags: [String!]
type: String
websiteUrl: String
groupId: ID


ExhibitorInput.address ● AddressInput input

ExhibitorInput.booth ● String scalar

Deprecated: use booths instead

ExhibitorInput.booths ● [UpdateExhibitorBoothInput!] list input

List of locations to assign to this exhibitor as exhibitor booths. The order will define what position they will occupy on the exhibitor's page. If null, all booths will be detached from the exhibitor.

ExhibitorInput.categories ● [String!] list scalar ● String scalar

ExhibitorInput.createFields ● [CreateFieldInput!] list input

ExhibitorInput.deleteFields ● [ID!] list scalar

ExhibitorInput.description ● String scalar

ExhibitorInput.documents ● [DocumentInput!] list input

ExhibitorInput.documentsOrder ● OrderIdListInput input

ExhibitorInput.documentsV2 ● IdListInput input

ExhibitorInput.features ● ExhibitorFeatureInput input ● String scalar

ExhibitorInput.clientId ● ID scalar

ExhibitorInput.logoUrl ● String scalar

ExhibitorInput.membersIds ● [String!] list scalar ● String scalar

ExhibitorInput.phoneNumbers ● [PhoneNumberInput!] list input

ExhibitorInput.socialNetworks ● [SocialNetworkInput!] list input

ExhibitorInput.tags ● [String!] list scalar

ExhibitorInput.type ● String scalar

ExhibitorInput.websiteUrl ● String scalar

ExhibitorInput.groupId ● ID scalar

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upsertEventExhibitors mutation