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input ProductFilterInput {
OR: [ProductFilterInput!]
AND: [ProductFilterInput!]
categoryIds: [ID!]
parentCategoryIds: [ID!]
exhibitorIds: [ID!]
isLinkedToExhibitors: Boolean
externalObjectIds: [ID!]
ids: [ID!]


ProductFilterInput.OR ● [ProductFilterInput!] list input

ProductFilterInput.AND ● [ProductFilterInput!] list input

ProductFilterInput.categoryIds ● [ID!] list scalar

Filter products that belong to one of these categories.

ProductFilterInput.parentCategoryIds ● [ID!] list scalar

Filter products that belong to one of these categories or its child categories.

ProductFilterInput.exhibitorIds ● [ID!] list scalar

Filter products linked to one of these exhibitors.

ProductFilterInput.isLinkedToExhibitors ● Boolean scalar

If true, filter products that are linked to exhibitor(s), otherwise filter products that are not linked to any exhibitor.

ProductFilterInput.externalObjectIds ● [ID!] list scalar

Filter products that are synchronized with an external object.

ProductFilterInput.ids ● [ID!] list scalar

Filter products by their ids

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ProductFilterInput input