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input UpdateExhibitorInput {
exhibitorId: ID!
eventId: ID
name: String
description: String
logoUrl: String
banner: BannerInput
websiteUrl: String
backgroundImageUrl: String
groupId: ID
productIds: [ID!]
categoryLimits: [ProductCategoryLimit!]
features: ExhibitorFeatureInput
customFields: [CustomFieldUnionInput!]
documentLimit: Int
withEvent: [ExhibitorWithEventInput!]


UpdateExhibitorInput.exhibitorId ● ID! non-null scalar

UpdateExhibitorInput.eventId ● ID scalar ● String scalar

UpdateExhibitorInput.description ● String scalar

UpdateExhibitorInput.logoUrl ● String scalar

UpdateExhibitorInput.banner ● BannerInput input

UpdateExhibitorInput.websiteUrl ● String scalar

UpdateExhibitorInput.backgroundImageUrl ● String scalar

UpdateExhibitorInput.groupId ● ID scalar

Set the group of the exhibitor, or remove it if null.

UpdateExhibitorInput.productIds ● [ID!] list scalar

Set products of the exhibitor.

UpdateExhibitorInput.categoryLimits ● [ProductCategoryLimit!] list input

Set product categories limit on the exhibitor

UpdateExhibitorInput.features ● ExhibitorFeatureInput input

UpdateExhibitorInput.customFields ● [CustomFieldUnionInput!] list input

Set custom fields for the exhibitor.

UpdateExhibitorInput.documentLimit ● Int scalar

UpdateExhibitorInput.withEvent ● [ExhibitorWithEventInput!] list input

Member Of

updateExhibitor mutation ● UpdateExhibitorsInput input