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This component allows you to integrate the product list at the event level.

How it looks

Code sample

import { ProductEventListView } from "@swapcard/react-sdk/lib/product/event-list-view";

export function YourProductListPage() {
return <ProductEventListView viewId="<YOUR_PRODUCT_EVENT_VIEW_ID_HERE>" />;

Available props

  • viewId string (required)

    ID of the view you want to render

  • renderProductCard (node: ReactNode, product: Product) => ReactNode

    Render function to wrap each product cells into your own links.

    renderProductCard={(node, product) => <a href={`/path/to/product/${}`}>{node}</a>}
  • categoryId string

    ID of the product category

  • renderCategoryLink (node: ReactNode, category: Category) => ReactNode

    Render function to wrap each top navigation category cells into your own links.

    renderCategoryLink={(node, category) => <a href={`/products?categoryId=${}`}>{node}</a>}
  • renderViewLink (node: ReactNode, view: View) => ReactNode

    Render function to create the link of your view

    renderViewLink={(node, view) => <a href={`/products`}>{node}</a>}
  • search string

    Used to filter result based on user search (to combine with onSearch)

  • onSearch (search: string) => void

    Callback when user searches through the input (to combine with search)

  • selectedFilters Filter[]

    Used to filter result based on user filters (to combine with onFilter)

  • onFilter (filters: Filter[]) => void

    Callback when user filters through checkboxes (to combine with selectedFilters)

  • stickyOffset number

    Search and filter containers will be sticky while the user scrolls (this represents the number in pixel from the top of the body)

  • paginationMode INFINITE_SCROLL | BUTTON

    You can select either if you want pagination to be trigger automatically when the user scroll, or to display a button to force the user to interact to load more elements.