The Planning object contains planning data and all data related to the planning.
Planning Object
Payload Details |
id stringUnique identifier for the planning. |
event_id stringUnique identifier for the event. |
community_id stringUnique identifier for the community. |
ticket_url stringUrl of the ticket associated to the planning. |
is_overlapping_allowed boolIs overlapping allowed on this planning. |
community_profile_can_register boolCan people can register directly. |
max_seats uint32The maximum number of seats allowed for this planning. |
hide_attendees boolCan we display attendees on the planning. |
is_ratable boolCan attendees rate this planning. |
format stringThe meeting format. |
access_control_mode stringThe access control mode set up for this planning. |
on_demand objectIf the planning is OnDemand, here are additional informations. | stringUnique identifier for the on-demand object. |
on_demand.available_at stringStart date of availability of the on-demand video. |
on_demand.available_until stringEnd date of availability of the on-demand video. |
on_demand.is_public stringIs the on-demand session public. |
on_demand.Video EmbeddedVideoThe video of the on-demand session. |
on_demand.UploadedVideoId stringThe identifier of the uploaded video. |
on_demand.created_at stringCreation date of the on-demand object. |
on_demand.updated_at stringUpdate date of the on-demand object. |
on_demand.deleted_at stringDeletion date of the on-demand object. |
live_stream objectIf the planning is LiveStream, here are additional informations. | stringUnique identifier for the live-stream object. |
live_stream.available_at stringStart date of availability of the live-stream. |
live_stream.available_until stringEnd date of availability of the live-stream. |
live_stream.is_public stringIs the live-stream session public. |
live_stream.is_recorded stringIs the live-stream session recorded. |
live_stream.Stream EmbeddedVideoThe stream of the live-stream. |
live_stream.created_at stringCreation date of the on-demand object. |
live_stream.updated_at stringUpdate date of the on-demand object. |
live_stream.deleted_at stringDeletion date of the on-demand object. |
pre_recorded objectIf the planning is PreRecorded, here are additional informations. | stringUnique identifier for the pre-recorded object. |
pre_recorded.available_at stringStart date of availability of the pre-recorded video. |
pre_recorded.available_until stringEnd date of availability of the pre-recorded video. |
pre_recorded.is_public stringIs the pre-recorded session public. |
pre_recorded.Video EmbeddedVideoThe video of the pre-recorded session. |
pre_recorded.UploadedVideoId stringThe identifier of the uploaded video. |
pre_recorded.created_at stringCreation date of the pre-recorded object. |
pre_recorded.updated_at stringUpdate date of the pre-recorded object. |
pre_recorded.deleted_at stringDeletion date of the pre-recorded object. |
roundtable objectIf the planning is Roundtable, here are additional informations. | stringUnique identifier for the roundtable object. |
roundtable.starts_at stringStart date of the roundtable. |
roundtable.ends_at stringEnd date of the roundtable. |
roundtable.max_participants uint32Maximum number of participants to the roundtable. |
roundtable.vonage_session_id stringThird party vonage session id. |
roundtable.provider stringCurrently only one provider: Vonage. |
roundtable.video_background_image_url stringMedia file url describing the video background image. |
roundtable.audio_only boolIs roundtable audio only. |
roundtable.moderated_stage boolDoes the roundtable have a moderated stage. |
roundtable.deleted_at stringDeletion date of the roundtable object. |
attendees array of objectList of attendees to the planning. | stringUnique identifier for the attendee. |
attendees.user_id stringUnique identifier for the user attending the planning. |
attendees.source stringDatabase or service from which this attendee was created. |
attendee.created_at stringCreation date of the attendee. |
attendee.updated_at stringUpdate date of the attendee. |
attendee.deleted_at stringDeletion date of the attendee. |
field_values array of FieldValueList of custom fields attached to the planning. |
evaluations array of objectList of evaluations to the planning. | stringUnique identifier for the evaluation. |
evaluations.user_id stringUnique identifier for user who did the evaluation. |
evaluations.comment stringEvaluation comment of the planning. |
evaluations.rating float64Evaluation rating of the planning. |
evaluation.created_at stringCreation date of the evaluation. |
evaluation.updated_at stringUpdate date of the evaluation. |
exhibitor_ids array of stringsList of exhibitor id participating to the planning. |
client_ids array of stringsList of external id associated to the planning. |
created_at stringCreation date of the planning. |
attendee.updated_at stringUpdate date of the planning. |
attendee.deleted_at stringDeletion date of the planning. |