The People object contains community profile data and all data related to the user.
People Object
Payload Details |
id stringUnique identifier for the event person. |
event_id stringUnique identifier for the event. | stringUnique identifier for the community profile. |
community_profile.user objectUser object of this community profile. | stringUnique identifier for the user. | stringEmail address of the user. |
community_profile.first_name stringFirst name of the community profile user. |
community_profile.last_name stringLast name of the community profile user. | stringEmail address of the community profile. |
community_profile.address AddressThe address object of the community profile. |
community_profile.is_active booleanIndicates if the profile is active. |
community_profile.is_visible booleanIndicates if the profile is visible. |
community_profile.engagement_score numberEngagement score of the community profile. |
community_profile.community_id stringUnique identifier for the community. |
community_profile.job_title stringJob title of the community profile user. |
community_profile.photo_url stringThe media file url of the photo for the community profile. |
community_profile.company_name stringCompany name of the community profile user. |
community_profile.phone_numbers array of PhoneNumberList of phone numbers for the community profile user. |
community_profile.social_networks array of SocialNetworkList of social networks for the community profile user. |
community_profile.field_values array of FieldValueList of field values for the community profile user. |
community_profile.community_groups array of objectList of community groups the user is part of. | stringUnique identifier of the community group. | stringName of the community group. |
community_profile.created_at stringCreation date of the community profile. |
community_profile.updated_at stringLast update date of the community profile. |
community_profile.deleted_at stringDeletion date of the community profile, if applicable. |
event_groups array of EventGroupList of event groups associated with the event. |
created_at stringCreation date of the event. |
deleted_at stringLast update date of the event. |