The Exhibitor object contains exhibitor data and all data related to the exhibitor.
Exhibitor Object
Payload Details |
event_id stringUnique identifier for the event. |
exhibitor.id stringUnique identifier for the exhibitor. |
exhibitor.logo_url stringThe url of the logo media file. |
exhibitor.name stringThe name of the exhibitor. |
exhibitor.description stringThe description of the exhibitor. |
exhibitor.address AddressThe address object of the exhibitor. |
exhibitor.website_url stringThe website url of the exhibitor. |
exhibitor.social_networks array of SocialNetworkThe socialNetworks of the exhibitor. |
exhibitor.phone_numbers array of PhoneNumberThe phone numbers of the exhibitor. |
exhibitor.features objectlist of features enabled for this exhibitor. |
exhibitor.features.invite_members boolThe exhibitor is allowed to invite members. |
exhibitor.features.scan_badge boolThe exhibitor can scan badge. |
exhibitor.features.scan_badge_one_way boolThe exhibitor can scan badge one-way |
exhibitor.email stringThe exhibitor email |
exhibitor.banner_video_url stringThe exhibitor banner video url |
exhibitor.banner_image_url stringThe url for the exhibitor banner image media file |
exhibitor.background_image_url stringThe url for the exhibitor background image media file |
exhibitor.editable_fields array of stringThe list of exhibitor files that are editable by the exhibitor in Swapcard |
exhibitor.document_limit int32The maximum number of documents the exhibitor is allowed to upload in Swapcard |
exhibitor.client_ids array of stringThe list of external ids associated to the exhibitor |
exhibitor.exhibitor_documents array of objectThe list of documents attached to the exhibitor |
exhibitor.exhibitor_documents.document objectThe object describing the document |
exhibitor.exhibitor_documents.document.id stringUnique identifier for the document |
exhibitor.exhibitor_documents.document.name stringName of the document |
exhibitor.exhibitor_documents.document.description stringDescription of the document |
exhibitor.exhibitor_documents.document.type stringType of the document |
exhibitor.exhibitor_documents.document.public_url stringPublic url of the document |
exhibitor.exhibitor_documents.document.created_at stringCreation date of the document in Swapcard |
exhibitor.exhibitor_documents.document.updated_at stringLast updated at date of the document in Swapcard |
exhibitor.exhibitor_documents.created_at stringDate at which the document was attached to the exhibitor |
exhibitor.exhibitor_members array of objectList of exhibitor members |
exhibitor.exhibitor_members.id stringUnique identifier for the exhibitor member. |
exhibitor.exhibitor_members.community_profile_id stringUnique identifier of the exhibitor member's community profile. |
exhibitor.exhibitor_members.created_at stringCreation date of the exhibitor member. |
exhibitor.exhibitor_members.updated_at stringLast update date of the exhibitor member. |
exhibitor.field_values array of FieldValueList of custom fields attached to the exhibitor. |
exhibitor.exhibitor_products array of objectsList of products attached to the exhibitor. |
exhibitor.exhibitor_products.product objectProduct object attached to the exhibitor. |
exhibitor.exhibitor_products.product.id stringUnique identifier of the product. |
exhibitor.exhibitor_products.product.name stringName the product. |
exhibitor.exhibitor_products.product.description stringDescription the product. |
exhibitor.exhibitor_products.product.image_url stringMedia file url describing the image of the product. |
exhibitor.exhibitor_products.product.name_translations stringString containing all product name translations. |
exhibitor.exhibitor_products.product.description_translations stringString containing all product description translations. |
exhibitor.exhibitor_products.product.created_at stringCreation date of the product in Swapcard. |
exhibitor.exhibitor_products.product.updated_at stringUpdate date of the product in Swapcard. |
exhibitor.exhibitor_products.product.deleted_at stringDeletion date of the product in Swapcard. |
exhibitor.exhibitor_products.created_at stringDate at which the product was attached to the exhibitor. |
exhibitor.exhibitor_products.updated_at stringDate at which the product was attached to the exhibitor. |
exhibitor.created_at stringCreation date of the exhibitor. |
exhibitor.updated_at stringUpdate date of the exhibitor. |
exhibitor.deleted_at stringDeletion date of the exhibitor. |
community_id stringUnique identifier of the exhibitor's community. |
document_limit intMaximum number of documents the exhibitor is allowed to have in the event. |
features objectDetail of enabled or disabled exhibitor features. |
features.can_view_visit boolThe exhibitor can view visit. |
features.can_export_contacts boolThe exhibitor can export contacts. |
features.can_export_meetings_confirmed boolThe exhibitor can export meetings that are confirmed. |
features.can_export_chats boolThe exhibitor can export chats. |
features.can_export_exhibitor_pages boolThe exhibitor can export pages. |
features.can_export_exhibitor_items boolThe exhibitor can export items. |
features.can_export_advertisements boolThe exhibitor can export advertisements. |
features.can_export_registrations boolThe exhibitor can export registrations. |
features.can_export_watched_exhibitor_plannings boolThe exhibitor can export watched plannings. |
features.can_export_documents boolThe exhibitor can export documents. |
features.qr_code_access boolThe exhibitor has access to QR code feature. |
features.qualify_leads boolThe exhibitor can qualify leads. |
features.recommended_leads boolThe exhibitor has access to recommended leads. |
features.generate_api_key boolThe exhibitor can generate an API key to developer API. |
features.advertisements array of objectList of advertisements attached to this exhibitor. |
features.advertisements.id stringUnique identifier of the advertisement. |
features.advertisements.image_url stringMedia file url describing the image of the advertisement. |
features.advertisements.mobile_image_url stringMedia file url describing the mobile image of the advertisement. |
features.advertisements.created_at stringCreation date of the advertisement. |
features.advertisements.updated_at stringUpdate date of the advertisement. |
features.advertisements.deleted_at stringDeletion date of the advertisement. |
booths array of objectList of booths of the exhibitor. |
booths.id stringUnique identifier for the Booth. |
booths.position_on_location stringBooth position in location list. |
booths.position_on_exhibitor stringBooth position in exhibitor list. |
booths.location objectBooth location object. |
booths.location.id stringUnique identifier of the location. |
booths.location.name stringName of the location. |
booths.location.category stringCategory of the location. |
booths.location.capacity stringCapacity of the location. |
booths.location.external_url stringExternal url for the location. |
booths.location.created_at stringCreate date of the location. |
booths.location.updated_at stringUpdate date of the location. |
event_groups array of EventGroupList of exhibitor's event groups. |
created_at stringCreate date of the event exhibitor. |
updated_at stringUpdate date of the event exhibitor. |
deleted_at stringDeletion date of the event exhibitor. |