Page views
All the actions related to page views
Page views
Action |
event_show stringWhen the user sees the event home. |
exhibitor_show stringWhen the user sees an exhibitor details. |
person_show stringWhen the user sees an attendee details. |
event_view_show stringWhen the user sees any of the event content (event view). |
sponsor_show stringWhen the user clicks on a sponsor. |
document_open stringWhen the user opens/downloads a document. |
exhibitor_self_show stringWhen the user sees his own exhibitor main page in the exhibitor interface. |
event_advertisement_show stringWhen the user sees an advertisement in the event details. |
event_advertisement_open stringwhen the user clicks on an advertisement in the event details. |
exhibitor_advertisement_show stringHave recipient (with_exhibitor_id)When the user sees an advertisement in the exhibitor details. |
exhibitor_advertisement_open stringHave recipient (with_exhibitor_id)When the user clicks on an advertisement in the exhibitor details. |
Body |
advertisement_id stringThe ID of the associated advertisement. |
product_id stringThe ID of the associated product. |
event_view_id stringThe ID of the associated event view. |
sponsor_id stringThe ID of the sponsor associate. |
document_id stringThe ID of the associated document. |
Page views search/filters
Action |
people_view_search stringWhen the user inputs a search in the people views. |
people_view_filter stringWhen the user toggles a filter value in the people views. |
exhibitors_view_search stringWhen the user inputs a search in the exhibitor views. |
exhibitors_view_filter stringWhen the user toggles a filter value in the exhibitor views. |
products_view_search stringWhen the user inputs a search in the product views. |
products_view_filter stringWhen the user toggles a filter value in the product views. |
Body |
event_view_id stringThe ID of the views associated to the search. |
query stringThe search. |
Planning stream (views)
Action |
planning_stream_start stringWhen the user starts/unpauses a video in the planning details. |
planning_stream_stop stringWhen the user stops/pauses a video in the planning details |
Body |
planning_id stringThe ID of the planning associated to the stream. |
duration intDuration in milliseconds. |